Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dennis' First Thanksgiving

Dennis has been home for 10 months now, but this is still his first Holiday season with us. He was very excited about Halloween last month, and while not quite as excited about Thanksgiving, was still pleased with the holiday. He is now asking every day if it's Christmas!


The preparations for Thanksgiving began the evening before when Dennis had some fun with the left over apple skins from the apple corer peeling machine.

This will be apple pie tomorrow, Dennis!

He didn't actually participate in the cooking, however he does like to hover near whoever IS cooking and at least feels like he's part of the fun! One of the many great things about D's personality is that although he sometimes cannot physically participate in some of the things, he is more than happy to just stand by and enjoy the fun anyway! Always has a big smile on his face!

 Dennis prefers the big sisters ... and he is the preferred brother as well!

 Amber and Dennis getting ready to go outside and ride bikes.

 He doesn't let a little thing like him being on a trike while the girls are on bikes slow him down! He seems to understand his limitations, but does not let that effect his joy in life!

 "I'm gonna get you ..."

 Skidded out when Mama moved out of the way!

 Look, Mama - no hands!!! (Taking after Ashley)

Amanda & Dennis by our newly planted Christmas tree that I won through Dutchman Tree Farms online.

This goofy face on Dennis is because he kept saying "I'm big" and wanted to show Amanda how to jump from the ledge onto the rings. He made it, but didn't try it a 2nd time!

 "My baby" he says, but in reality Princess is Ashley's baby!


"Mama, I'm driving"

 Dennis and me with the very last of the fall leaves - 
everything else is bare bones!!

Getting ready for turkey time!!

Dennis' first round - he liked the turkey and had more, but they all had to have just a small scoop of everything to try it first. Notice his hand on the Matrinelle bottle? Each person at the table had their own bottle!

Gus got some leftovers, too!

Some more Thanksgiving Day Fun!

Not sure what the deal is with #1 and #3 being party poopers!

You can read more about our Thanksgiving fun on Amber's blog here:
and see all the pictures on Facebook here:

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