Monday, October 31, 2011

First Halloween

For Dennis' first Halloween, he chose a Spider Man costume. Sam wanted the black Batman (aka, The Dark Knight). We looked at the options on line and that's what the boys picked. I took Amber to Party City to buy the costumes. (Amber starts school next week). They didn't have them, so after we bought butterfly for Amber and a fairy one for Amanda, we went to Target and found the right ones for the boys. We also bought about 10 bags of candy and 5 pumpkin buckets for trick-or-treating.

Amanda as a fairy princess

When the day/night came, they actually had school that day, we had take-n-bake pizza for dinner and then they dressed up as quickly as they could!! Dad took them to the community center for trunk or treating and then went to our friend Jamie's house and walked around her neighborhood. They hit a couple of homes in our neighborhood, but it's not big on trick or treating.

 Sam & Dennis being goofy doing action shots

Mom held down the fort at home. I only had about 5 groups of kids come to the door. I think the barking sounds coming from inside our house helped out a lot!

All 5 - Angel, Spider Man, Bat Man, Fairy, Butterfly

Upon their return home they dumped all their candy out on the table and were given until 9:00pm (almost 35 minutes) to eat as much candy as they want/can. This is a tradition handed down by my mother-in-law so as to avoid any more candy being eaten in the following days/weeks after Halloween. My husband was all over the idea. And, since we have candy stealing issues in our house (won't name which members of the family), I agreed that it was probably the best plan.

 See the parallel post on Amber's blog here: 

The rest of the Halloween photos are on FB here: 

Watch the Halloween/candy eating video posted on youtube: 
 It is really funny!!!

But, what's even funnier is the Jimmy Kimmel Live video about parents who told their kids they ate all their candy!!! Watch all the way to the end, the last two boys are HILLARIOUS!

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