Wednesday, April 25, 2012

From 4 to 14

Dennis has been home 15 months now and I just took him into see the doctor for another growth check. When we first got him home he was in the 4% for height and weight.

On 1/26/11 he was 50.3 inches tall and 55lbs. Supposedly he had just turned 10 ... ummm ... our 7 yr old daughter is this size!!

On 6/21 he was 51.5 inches and 56lbs ... 7% for height, but only 4% for weight. Growing taller, but not stronger. We started him on 2 bottles of ensure per day and agreed to keep coming back to weight checks.

On 8/15 he weighed 58lbs, putting him back to 5%.

On 1/17/12 (day after his 11th birthday) he was 53 inches (10%) and 61 lbs (6%). YEAH, finally all headed in the right direction.

Yesterday, 4/24/12 he was 54 inches (14%) and 63 lbs (still only 6%). Dr said that Ensure is his best friend! :)

Speaking of his 11th birthday, the purpose of yesterday's dr visit was to get the necessary paperwork signed to file for an age change for Dennis. Given his slow growth, small size, and developmental dealys, we have an adoption attorney helping us get Dennis birthday set back 2 years from 2001 to 2003. This way he will be 9 this year instead of 11. He is in 3rd grade, so 9 is a much better age for him anyway.

Way to grow, Dennis!!

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