Saturday, June 4, 2011

Work day

I guess it was more of a me work day and the kids tag along.  Picked out new carpet for the living room, Home Depot, Lowe's, Walmart, Michael's, Costco... and wjatever else I'm forgetting.

We are on well water and had a really bad period of "rust" so rust off and CLR almost have that resolved.  The problem is limited to kids showers/tubs which I suspect has something to do with their tendency to let the water run for long periods of time whether or not they are in it.  Need to actually repair some tile and grout tomorrow.  Worked on "tuning" the drip irrigation system as a couple of plants look like they aren't getting enough water... the gardenia blossoms smelled really good though.

Dennis and I did call Snezhana.  She's at the Black Sea camping and she didn't sound excited about it last week.  Her boyfriend actually answered and when she got the phone she sounded awful.  She nearly immediately 3-way called in her aunt to talk to D... D talked quite a bit to her, she seems very nice.  Then back to boyfriend who chats with D sometimes and D doesn't mind.  Then briefly back to S who said she was sick and the phone dropped... probably due to battery.

Dennis had done better responding in Russian than usual.  Though he did say "sleepy on floor" on one occasion which I'm sure was not understood... which is probably best as it means "camping" as Dennis can't seem to remember that word.

Dennis has built himself what he calls his "Doma".  He and Sam set up blankets and comforters so it encloses the bottom bunk of their bed.  They both enjoy hiding out in there playing.  He's had a really positive attitude this week stating he really likes his family and house.  Ashley did really well today with a good attitude too so it was an enjoyable day even if it included scrubbing tile with toxic chemicals.  I personally can't wait til school is out... that means I get to sleep in and, frankly, I didn't like school and homework when I had to do it... it isn't any more fun working with the kids to get theirs done... that's Melissa's thing.

1 comment:

  1. You're hillarious if you think you'll get to sleep in once school is out ... they get up before 6am on non-school days! Also they will be home ALL DAY for you to deal with while I'm at work so that otta be lots of fun since you won't let them do cards while you're working!
