Looks like blogger.com is partially up again...
Yesterday the kids came home completely wound up... more so than the usual Friday. I know Sam's class got pancakes at school... chocolate chip and he ate 7 of them. Wonder what the other kids were given. Dennis was on the edge of a meltdown... even breaking a cabinet door from trying to open it too hard -- since motor control is a problem he had to apologize but didn't get into trouble.
Three of the kids working on putting together the poles to support the cucumbers and bell peppers. Dennis has strong hands so instead of undoing the twist ties he'd pull the pieces apart. |
It was a pretty stressful week and yesterday was not an exception. I had ended up having to go into town in the morning so I stopped by and got trees and shrubs I had been planning to this month. Some leyland cypress, azaleas, and some other brushes... as well as replacement cucumber plants (again) as I apparently planted the others too soon and all but one died in the cold. They were still sitting in the van... so figured the kids could use the energy to help. That managed to help settle the boys down at least.
Dinner was beef brisket and corn bread... which disappeared quickly. The dogs are always pleased too as they get the left over fat and such.
We tried to call Snezhana this morning but her phone is off. Sent an SMS and will try again if delivered... hopefully she didn't change SIMs yet again without telling us. There is a family there right now that we'll ask to get the new number if this doesn't resolve itself in the next 2 days.
We are going to work on the chicken coop today... hoping to get it done this weekend to the point I can stain it. It is warm, cloudy, with a light rain so I will probably leave the tree planting for another day when I won't be turning the dirt into mud preparing the area. Figured I'd use the rototiller to chew up the grass in the area that I'm going to mulch next month.