Sunday, May 22, 2011


Ashley and Dennis playing ball.  Dennis spent a lot of time on the ground trying to kick the ball.  The other kids would run kind of playing keep away so it really worked on his muscles to be able to change direction.

He LOVES the dogs.  I caught him many times hugging them.  We chained them up in the yard with them so they could enjoy the nice day and play also.

This was a good one.  Sam is thinking UH OH!

Sam's turn but he's being a nice "big" brother.

I just loved this one... you can see he puts everything into kicking that ball.

Both kids in the new tent.  Last year's was a 2 person tent and I was VERY pleaed to have to upgrade.  This one was nice... front area enclosed for all your stuff, easy to setup, the kids could practically stand.  Plenty of room.  Costco special.  Dennis calls it a "big balloon".

Kids playing kick ball.  Sam is on the right in the red shorts.  Dennis felt a bit overwhelmed with all the boy activity going on.  He spent most of the time with me but later we got a football and he, Sam, and I played for quite a bit.
Dennis spending time with me.

Sleepy!  He really liked camping.  He kept saying he was sleepy though I'm not sure if that is cause he got really tired out or because he wanted to go into the tent and sleep in the sleeping bag.

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