Friday, May 20, 2011

Summer planned!

Melissa spent the last hour on the phone with our timeshare company.  They are actually pretty good and very helpful.  Melissa and Ashley already have a purity weekend at one of the resorts in the mountains... pool, miniature golf, spa, horses, etc.  She booked it again for her and the older girls to go for a few nights.  We also used it go to a theme/water park for a couple days... including paying for the theme park and a lot of meals.

A friend... actually the best realtor ever is letting us stay at his vacation home in Smith Mountain Lake.

So we are pretty booked up for July... we'll manage to make church pretty much every Sunday though on 1-2 occasions it'll probably just be the Russian church in the afternoon.  We'll have two weeks to do more relaxed things like sit around the house, visit the caverns, maybe meet up with another girl from the same orphanage who was adopted, or other various local activities.

We had been hoping to go to Sight & Sound Theatres again but it is the same play we saw last year.  It was really good but really don't see going ($$$) when only one person hasn't seen it before.

Anyways, that's the nice thing about the timeshare... we'd probably never do much stuff like this if it wasn't for it.

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