Tuesday, May 10, 2011

81%, 81%, 89%

We started Rosetta Stone the last couple of weeks with Dennis.  He's been retaking the first core lesson over and over as he started with like 43%.  Part of this is to just get him used to the program.  Ashley and I have been splitting the time working with him.

Well today he got 81% on the first core lesson (about 125 questions) and then proceeded to pronunciation and vocabulary.  He got in the 60s for the time and then 81% and 89% respectively the second time.  Woohoo!  When he gets 80% or higher we let him move to the next section.


  1. Does the Rosetta Stone teach them how to read or just to speak English? I was going to buy it but had some reservations as to what aspect of English it focuses on.... thanks

  2. @Kelly: Yes, actually understand, speak, read, and write. It is not the approach you learned in school though. You don't start out learning the alphabet and sounding out words (there are sections that do that if you want). You start speaking and associating phrases with pictures. "He is cooking", "She is running", "They are reading"... etc.

    We have the homeschool version which allows you to select a curriculum based on where the child is. We just did the full year one. Snezhana knows enough English to start on the 2nd level -- we bought the 1-3 level set.

    If you buy it be careful of the version. We have version 2 of the Russian one which isn't nearly is good as version 3 which we have for English. They have version 4 now. They do NOT sell upgrades so you have to buy the full version... and it is expensive. Version 3 is good if you can find a used copy on eBay, otherwise buy direct from Rosetta Stone.

    I didn't do much with the Russian version but even what I did helped me. The v2 one we had is just harder to work with than the v3 one... I would have done much more with a newer version.

    Go click on "Learn More" for one of the sets.
