Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Almost 3 weeks

Dennis is doing so well... when I came in the boys to wake him up this morning I could hear him giggle.  He knows I'm going to go in and tickle him up.  He got up really well though had bags under his eyes... probably from his not wanting to go to sleep last night.

Ironically Sam and Amanda got in a little trouble for waking up and coming out of their rooms at like 5:30a.  They know they can't come out until 6:30a but I think there is a contest going to see who can get ready first.  Amanda just hasn't figured out she actually has to get all the way ready, not just throw some clothes on.  But I can't complain about not having to pull them out of bed.

For Dennis, tomorrow would have been 3 weeks since the last meltdown.  That is HUGE and shows how responsive he's been to consistent love and discipline.  I'm proud of him.  "Would" since after getting up so well we couldn't quite hold it together.  He's actually done with his time out and is just sitting on the bench waiting to say he is sorry.and give me a hug... then off to school.

Sam went on a field trip to a local park and had fun.  Brought home a bit of a sunburn and 4 ticks.  3 he picked off himself and one I got when I checked him out at home.  Need to call the doctor today and see what we need to do... they looks like nymphs so I don't expect they carry Lyme's... and with 2 bites the chance of one of them having rings if there is Lyme's is pretty high.


  1. Yuck- creepy crawling ticks... shudder! Blech!
    Hooray for improved behavior! Took awhile to learn the ropes, but clearly he's learning! WOOHOO! Way to go, Dennis!

  2. He did fine after you left tonight, other than he refused to eat and just sat on the bench until I told him it was shower time. Ashley however was a different story tonight!
