Friday, May 20, 2011


Talking about camping seems to be nearly as entertaining for Dennis as his reaction is to us.  "Sleeping outside tomorrow??  Outside on the ground?????!?!!".  Sam and I just affirm and we get this big smile like "YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY" in a fun silly way.  I guess he's never gone camping in a tent before.  Their trips to the camps each summer in Ukraine must be to bunkhouses... not outside or, as in our case, tents.

So to start out the weekend enjoyment the boys got to have popcorn and movie night.  They asked if they could sleep on the floor in the basement watching TV and I said yes.  Might as well get some practice for tomorrow but without the ticks :)

The girls had to go to bed as they still had cards to do and lots of them.  Actually all the kids did well at school this week.  Amanda brought home perfect behavior scores every day this week, Sam got his first day of perfect scores (behavior and work quality) with a couple of notes from his teacher about how well he has done, and I talked to Ashley's IEP teacher and she said that she had a really good week -- ignoring not studying enough for her science test and mixing up some terms.

So we are looking forward to a fun weekend.  Actually I need to ask Melissa if I can go to the local grocery store.  They have drumsticks, thighs, and thigh/leg combos that are awesome for BBQ at $0.99/lb... I'm thinking this summer and going through 15lbs of chicken at a meal... I think I need to clean the grocery store out.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo...
    100lbs chicken -- no more thighs or drumsticks left
    12lbs beef hotdogs -- hebrew national
    3qts ice icream -- vanilla, i'm borrowing
    48 cans of pepsi max
    ... 1st summer BBQ food run
