Wednesday, August 10, 2011


IEP eligibility meeting went fine today. We rejected the first one based on recommendations including the development specialist we saw. Unfortunately the obvious "developmental delay" label is not allowed in Virginia as a determination for kids over 6.

The school administrator still wants to push him into a traditional special Ed class at another school and I have my own theories as to why but won't discuss them here. To a large extent the way the system works in Dennis case really allows us as parents to choose. Basically we can reject the entire IEP thing if we want in which case he still just gets ELL which would be good for this year. We could be making the wrong choice, I don't think so... But that is what being a parent is about.

Dennis really wants to go see grandma macy. At least he's replaced his asking if there is school tomorrow every day with whether he is going to see grandma tomorrow.

Amanda and Sam are fine with school starting in a few weeks. Not really all that excited. Amanda is excited about being able to stay with a friend.

Ashley doesn't want to start school though I think a lot of that is a fear of being new to middle school. She is really excited about traveling with us to Ukraine though. She will be the keeper of the iPad while there... I'm not sure which she is more excited about... The iPad or the trip.

I (dad) am not at all excited about school starting. I've been enjoying being able to have a more relaxed morning schedule. I maybe be working until 10p all the time but in the summer I tend to be able to schedule things so I don't have to set an alarm. And homework... I hate homework... Mine or the kids. I was the guy in college who would figure out what grade I'd get when I don't do any of the homework and cheered when the teachers lost TA funding as homework suddenly was no longer part of your grade at all. I am excited about another trip to Ukraine and what that means for the family when it is complete.

We still only have one chicken laying eggs and they are pretty small. Considering the eggs started coming 3 months earlier than I expected I'm not going to complain.

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