Saturday, February 26, 2011


So last week Dennis had his war with the trike and the hill... this week he and Ashley both ended up with infections.  Ashley's outer ear is all swollen and draining... Dennis, well he has a bad rash.  I think for D it must be not being used to having showers and clean clothes every day :)  Either way both kids made a trip to the doctor on Friday.

We've gone two weeks now being unable to get a hold of Snezhana.  Last week I figured she was busy with the upcoming holiday.  I know she's using her phone so it's just off a lot.  Disappointing, even more so for Dennis who has gotten used to the Russian automatic response when the phone is off... you could see his frustration when it came on.  Oh well... nothing we can do and we'll try again after church tomorrow.

Snezhana should get a package from us hand delivered this week.  We've been blessed by so many people going to that orphanage being willing to take stuff since no other method is successful these days... it's also nice to see so many kids being adopted.

We will be sending our first package and letter to the other girl we are hosting this summer... sent in our rehost application and first payment.  Dennis and Amanda are going with me to look at a 12 passenger van today... preparing for summer hosting and fitting 8+ comfortably with luggage.  They'll be excited... then back home for a party this afternoon with 20ish folks from church that we are hosting (borscht, varenyky).  Looking forward to this weekend.

About time to start working on another letter/pictures to Dennis' Ukrainian gma.


  1. That's disappointing that you haven't been able to reach Snezhana. I hope that you will be able to soon! I'm glad that you can get packages to her though. That's so nice that you're getting a van for the summer hosting. Are you in charge of the program? Does the program have a website? Forgive me if you're already given this info. in earlier blogs.

    Not at all in charge :)

  3. So no go on that Van. It has an extra option I want that the other does not, but they wanted $1000 more for this older and more warn Van.

    Will try another tomorrow after church... and after another shot at calling S.

    Now off to cooking for the party tonight.
