Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another call with Snezhana

This is a picture of our crew before church on the first Sunday the kids arrived! They got to our house about mid-night on Friday and we had them out to church that same Sunday! Just wanted to share some photos from hosting since I don't have anything new, yet!

Anyway, today I called Snezhana again.

7:15 am is when my 3 kids leave the house (with Daddy) to walk to the end of our short cul-de-sac and catch the bus for school. This is also always the time I call Snezhana's boarding school in Ukraine. I have been taking Russian lessons from a gal in Florida who is from Belarus, so I try to practice my greetings with the school secretary who answers the phone! Despite the fact that my Russian tutor says I don't have much of an accent, the secretary clearly knows I am an American! The conversation goes like this ...

-(que American accent) Zdravstvyjte. Dobrey den.
-Dobrey den.
-Snezhana, pazhalsta?
-(que Russian accent) 10 minutes, please
-Da, spasiba

So, I call back in 10 minutes and wait for another 2-3 before they actually put Snezhana on the phone. I had my Russian tutor teach me how to ask if she received the boots we sent; she said she had not. I asked about the sweaters/shirts (in very poor Russian because she had to say "what?" several times). Yes, she did receive all the shirts and sweaters we sent and she really likes the one with Jack Black (kid from Twilight) She also said Denis got the shirts/sweaters we sent to him and REALLY likes the tiger shirt! I sent the boots between the two packages of shirts/sweaters, so I'm guessing the boots got held up in customs, but still hopeful they will arrive before we do.

I practiced a few phrases in Russian with her, most of the time she says "what?" and I repeat it several times before she understands. Many times she says "I don't understand." Oh well ... at least I'm trying ... it's the thought that counts, right??! :)

No news on our appointment date, so please keep praying. If the bill gets signed into law while we are in Ukraine, it *could* put an immediate halt to the adoption, so we are praying AGAINST that as well.

Thank you!


  1. Well done! While I have taken Russian lessons as well, when we talked to our girl, all I said in Russian was "I love you" and "hello" and "bye"... I was nervous to speak russian in front of our translator. When our girl was here, I made up stuff in Russian. She (bless her heart) caught on or told me the right way to say something. But she's 9, I dont care if I look like a fool in front of her... LOL!
    Glad you got to talk to your girl, and Im so glad her items have gotten to her! Thats not always the case!

  2. Glad you got to talk to Sneza! I ended up breaking my large package into smaller ones, but last I spoke with Olga she hadn't gotten the last two. :(

    Keeping you in my prayers that you get your travel dates soon!

