Monday, November 15, 2010

SDA Appointment

We were told today that our SDA appointment is Dec 9th.  I must admit that is further out than even our worst expectations which is hard to swallow.  It's nearly 4wks from now.  We understand that this means we will go in Dec, get the referral(s), visit with the kids, get the paperwork signed off, and then have to return in January for our court date.  We are going to confirm the court closes at the same time the SDA does on Dec 25th - Jan 10th.

I trust God has a plan here... and maybe it means we'll be having overlapping travel with some friends adopting one of Snezhana's friends.  It does answer some questions about timing in several areas of our lives that were up in the air.


  1. Oh, I know that hurt to hear the date was so far out, but I am really happy you have a date! It is so hard to remember that God's timing is perfect when we so desperately want what we want! And that is me talking from experience, as you know! :) Enjoy Thanksgiving and know that you will soon see S&D!

  2. I'm sorry :( Trust me, I know that pain. We got a date in June but had to request a new date because of paperwork issues. We expected that new date to be in Nov. but it turned out being just a few days before yours. My heart sank. It was hard to swallow.
    I didnt think the courts close on the 25th, just the US Embassy?

  3. Wait, I forgot the best part... WOOHOO! YOU HAVE A DATE!

  4. :) I'm told the court closes just a couple of days before the end of the year until mid-Jan. It'll be tight since we have to go to two different orphanages.

    I am happy we are going. Our kids asked us to be rehosted for Christmas but we couldn't because of the overlapping dates... but we of course could not tell them that. So I am VERY pleased we will get to see them before Christmas so they can know what is happening... regardless of how hard it will be to leave for a couple of weeks.

  5. I wanted to host over Christmas too, especially now knowing about the vote, but we were about a week too late. Hopefully everything will work out for both of our journies and we can get it done ASAP. Even if theyre in 2 different orphanages, if they are in the same region it should be the same court date. Hopefully that wont delay you much. I'll be praying...

  6. Oh wait! Was that us you were talking about with the overlapping dates? I'm a little slow on the uptake. :)

  7. We had court just a week after our SDA appointment, so don't rule anything out!
