Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bounce back

Dennis had a good weekend.  He woke up Saturday happy and silly.  "Daddy-style" french toast was a big hit.  Daddy style is that mom makes it then we layer with butter and smother in powdered sugar to make a thick paste on top.  Mommy thinks that is really weird and you should put maple syrup on them but we had neither syrup or jam... so powdered sugar it was.  I think D ate 4... the other kids scarfed them down too... mom had to fight for any at all.  Plates were licked clean and D gave a big thumbs up with "SUGAR GOOOD".  I'm pleased to have corrupted more french toast eaters.

Afterward we called Snezhana.  D didn't want to talk much and based on the previous day's events we didn't want to leave him alone to chat.  We couldn't really clearly explain to D why his behavior shouldn't have allowed it so we decided it was best to allow.  He was big smiles during the call.  Nothing really new on the call.  S asked if D was crying cause he was quiet.  S said she couldn't find any of the kids D wanted to talk to.  S said Ukraine gma cries all the time though we find that doubtful as it seems like S isn't talking to gma much... she still didn't know if gma had gotten our latest package.

Then D went to the eye doctor... he has a laaaaazy eye and is slightly near sighted.  Apparently he's going to get glasses to help... not sure that helps with the laaaazy eye though.  Melissa also FedEx'd a package to some people going to S' orphanage in the next couple of weeks... shoes, socks, pictures, letter, etc.  Since none of the shoes we have sent fit and she also wants deoderant that we've only found in Ukraine and shampoo, we sent some shopping money too that can be used under supervision.

Today we had a Supper's 8 lunch with friends from church and the kids all did well.  Then we came home and the kids played in the basement while we worked on stuff and got dinner ready.  Melissa and D got to talk to one of Snezhana's friends who was recently adopted.  It was really helpful, though as soon as D was asked if he was being a good boy the conversation ended.  D put his head in his hands and from then on answered No to anything asked.  Still got to work on him differentiating having done something bad and reconciled with being a bad boy.  I think the friend is going to call S tomorrow... I know she likes to keep in touch with some of her friends.

D says he's going on the bus to school tomorrow.  I'm really hoping it works out that way :)

1 comment:

  1. A did try to call S this answer. I know she changes #'s frequently so I'm not sure if we have the most current one. If you want to e-mail me the most current number we can try again later.
