Monday, March 21, 2011

Some great snippets

So we make sure to keep an eye on conversations the kids have.  They do great talking but as has happened before, it leads to misunderstandings if we don't know... it's just prudent.

Here are some humorous snippets from last Saturday's conversation.

S: where are you at right now?
D: in America
S: duh..I know you are in America, where are you at? At School?
S: do you like teachers?
D: I like mom a lot
S: the one who is in America?
D: yes
S: what about dad?
D: dad? Snezhana?
S: Do I like dad?
D: Yes. I like dad...Does Snezhana like mom?
D: Snezhana, dad brought ice cream.
S: ok, Dennis, you can eat it, but not a lot and don't get sick. Got it?
S: Dennis, do they upset you there?
D: no
S: for sure?
D: for sure
S: do they beat you?

D: what?
S: do they beat you?
D: no
S: are you sure?
D: yes

This last series of questions has come up before too.  Obviously a big concern of someone Snezhana talks too.  Dennis got to talk to his former teacher in Ukraine and some friends.  Mom is of course really pleased with her comment.

Unfortunately Sunday and this morning we had some difficulties.  He's overtly testing his boundaries now.  D even missed the bus this morning and had a bit of a natural consequence getting out of the car at school.  I had a talk with his teacher and the school nurse (forehead abrasion).  This is actually the first time D has been in a bad mood that didn't get resolved before we had to do something.  I'm hoping to learn how to say "You need to obey well and have a good attitude to get good things" in Russian... just so it's very clear why he's gotten his DSi taken away and can't ride his bike.  He's gotten the "I'm sorry" followed by a hug thing down well.

He has a hard time verbally expressing his frustrations at times so it ends up when he gets really mad which is very infrequent we get "NO", "America bad", "Mama bad", "Daddy bad", "Ashley bad".... you get the idea.  Fortunately he hasn't learned the word "hate" yet.

I'm hoping he'll get home today and we'll reconcile and be back on track.  He's really an easy little guy to work with.


  1. Oh our girl got a whole long letter which basically equaled "You need to obey well and have a good attitude to get good things"...
    Hoping your guy catches on... As we say in our house "It's so much more fun when we have good attitudes- we get to do fun things!" It's taken quite a lot of work to get there (as you saw from this morning), but by golly, eventually they must get it... right?
    Hoping the make up is short and sweet this afternoon.

  2. Thought about your letter but since he can't read it doesn't help. We'll have a friend talk to him with us... but I want to be able to remember how to say it to him in Russian and English until he gets it in English.

    All our kids get that message about it's a lot more fun when you are good... they are able to adhere to that with various degrees of success :)
