Well, I guess I didn't finish my post last night, did I!??! I was so tired and it was about 1 am (my time) when I called my mother out in Cali because I didn't want someone else to see our news on facebook before she got home from work and tell her before I got the chance.
Ok ... so after I found out about the passport situation and discussed the options, there was nothing left to do other than pack up Dennis' clothes and say goodbye to Snezhana. I also had a couple of small gifts for "our buddies" upstairs, so I asked the deputy director if she would get Anton and Tolic. She did and they came down, very curious! I had the red ball we'd been playing with along with a new spiderman toy that Dennis didn't really like for them. They readily accepted and I got several hugs and KISSES from both! They are such sweet boys and I really hope that when NHFC comes they will be able to get them on the hosting list for summer.
After that Snezhana arrived and she and the deputy Director and N had a long conversation while Dennis and I played with the ipod to keep him distracted for her clearly emotional state. N told me later that the deputy director told her that her grandma knew weeks ago that we had come to adopt Dennis and if she and/or mom was going to do anything about it they should have already done it. Now it was too late and she had her rights terminated anyway. Sneza said her mother had gone to child services and was trying to get them back. The deputy told her it was too late and there was no chance the mom would get back her rights. Sneza started crying ... I don't know if it's because she knew it was true or if she didn't believe the woman.
After she calmed down, I told N we had some gifts for her and she agreed to take them. I gave her a new SIM card and had N explain the service plan was an extra 500 minutes per month if 50 grivna was put on the card. I told her it has 100 grivna now and we would put more money each week so she can talk to Dennis. I told her we were going to Kiev soon, but she could keep calling me on the Ukraine cell and I would tell her the day we leave so she can call my US phone after that (or SMS me to call her). I also gave her a snowflake necklace, but it was wrapped in a small bag and she did not open it. She gave me a hug though. She ran off and got Dennis' clothes for me ... a couple of shirts, sweaters, long johns, undies, and the coat we brought him our first day here. Then she walked us outside.
She held Dennis close to her, as if to keep him from me, but I understood how hard this was for her. I was adopted as a child, along with my biological sister, so I can imagine the pain of having to lose her at age 15 after growing up with her (yes, Kristy ... I love you!). Anyway, once at the car she hugged him for a long time and I think she said something along the lines of "I'll never see you again." Then he got into the car.
I asked if she wanted to be hosted again in the summer so she could come visit Dennis. She said yes. I told her Brian and I would talk about it. I also told her that if she could overcome the pressure from her grandma and mom that we would be happy to take her home with us. N translated so that I was sure she understood. The tears welled up in her eyes again, so I know she understands and I hope she knows that would be the right decision for her also.
The drive to the hotel was fine and I text'd Brian to let him know we were on our way so he could update the blog. When we got to the hotel I left N downstairs to check in and D and I went to the room to upload before going to dinner. D started crying. I tried to take off his jacket and boots, but he didn't want that. I was surprised that he let me hold him, but he did. I sat and rocked him on the bed for a few minutes. I tried to offer his favorite, the ipod ... no. I offered to talk to papa ... no. After a bit N knocked on our door and I let her in.
She tried to talk to D to see what was wrong, but he answered NYET to everything ... sad? scared? hungry? tired? Finally he told her he was mad ... that's it just mad. He wouldn't say why. He said he didn't want to go to dinner with us, so N offered to sit with him while I went to eat and then she'd go eat when I came back. Although I appreciated the offer, I didn't think it best to leave him. Yes, he knows N so that wasn't the issue ... I also didn't think it best to just sit in the hotel room either. I knew he hadn't eaten dinner as well.
We went to the Chinese place on the 7th floor, but he refused to eat. I asked if he wanted ice cream, because I know he loves it. He said yes, but still didn't smile. If you notice the 2nd half of the photos last night he's either not smiling or it's a fake one to please N and me. He ate about 3 bites of the ice cream and then said "all done." Ok, ... well can't make a kid eat! So, we finished our dinner, snapped a couple photos and went back to the room.
I asked if he wanted to watch TV and he said yes, so I turned it one. Yeah for SpongeBob! :) D was much better in no time and then dozed off while I was writing the blog. He was in an awkward position proped up on the bed, so I went to move him and he woke up. I asked if he wanted to talk to Papa and he said yes! The kids had just gotten home, so he was able to skype with everyone before bed last night!
He fell right to sleep once back in the bed. They're so precious when they're sleeping, aren't they?! :)