Friday, January 14, 2011

YES - We ARE done!

Embassy appointment was at 10am. I went a bit early so I could pay on the way in. No line to pay. No line at window 15 (visa application location from yesterday). I had to ring the bell to get service. She took our passports and receipts for payment and told me to have a seat and I would be called in a few minutes. I grabbed a magazine (haven't seen an English one in a while) and browsed it. D sat next to me and I offered him the photo album we brought along, but he didn't want it ... just sat there. We waited 10-15 minutes.

"Macy Family window 17 please." The words made me fight back tears as I took D's hand and walked to the window.

The man at this window was an American! He made a joke about being in typical government style having lots of papers to sign. He handed me the ones I had turned in yesterday, one at at time to sign. I signed and returned. Took less than 5 minutes. He returned the passports, birth certificate, and one copy of the receipt. He said it would take 30 minutes if they didn't have any computer/printer problems and I could wait in the other room, which has toys for children to play with.

I told him I brought copies of the court decree and other documents so that I could get back the originals. He looked at them and said "They look exactly the same." I told him I knew that, but my facilitator insisted that I bring these copies and get back the originals. He was agreeable and we traded. I also asked if he would keep our I71H open since we are approved for 4 but are only adopting 1 this trip. He said he would make note of that.

D and I went into the other room and we met this family waiting for their son's visa as well. We chatted for a bit and they were called to the window a few minutes later. D did not want to play with the toys, so he sat next to me. He did wave/say hi to their little boy - he is a very sweet boy also and was friendly to me as well! :) They invited me to meet them and another couple at TGIF at noon! WHAT???? Where is that because maybe, just maybe I can get a REAL BURGER!!!

Yes, here we all are at TGIF
and YES, I did get a real burger!

We waited a few more minutes in that room and then we were called back to the window. This time it was the same man who took our application in yesterday. He said "CONGRATULATIONS!" Ok, cool, thanks! He handed me a packet and told me not to open it, that only an immigration officer in the US can do that. He also asked if I was aware of the reporting requirements. I said I was, but he explained them anyway and handed me a checklist. He also told me how to apply for a social security number and that I would need to trade his Ukraine passport for a US passport.

Then he said, "You may take your son and go." Again tears fought to break the surface, but for D's sake I could not let them - he would not understand the happy tears a mother sheds after childbirth.

As we left the building I saw another family that I knew what they were there for and I told them "good luck." I think they were surprised I was an American. I stopped at the guard post to retrieve my items. I texted pretty much everyone on my phone list that WE ARE DONE!

I wanted to take a pic of D outside the embassy, but the man who waits between the embassy and the guard post told me I could not! Well fooey ... I tried again once outside the gates, but then I realized my camera didn't have the memory card in it - I had left it in the laptop at the apartment - FOOEY again! (This is why I don't have many photos on today's blog).

A few minutes later the driver showed up and guess who was in the front seat - Karen Rowell! She was surprised to see me - very surprised and we gave each other a big hug and started chatting. The rest of the family was in a much larger vehicle behind them and I asked what they were doing. They were there for what we did yesterday!! Then they were going to try to get the medical visits done also. With 4 that seemed like it was going to be a LONG day for them.

I offered to take Kaden with me and D to TGIF and shopping and back to the apartment. Everyone was agreeable to this and we went our separate ways. The driver was amused when I asked him to take us to TGIF ... "what for?" he asked. Um ... LUNCH!?? Ok, he says with a question mark! :) Guess they don't eat lunch at noon in Ukraine? We arrive before 11:30 and browsed the underground walkways shops between one side of the street and the other and we come across another underground mall! Beautiful water fountain was saw from the 2nd floor - again wish we had the camera.

We arrived at TGIF a good 20 mins before noon and we asked for a table for 10 and they made it for us and seated us. We ordered coke and water and waited. Soon the family we met at the embassy arrived and they started chatting with Kaden. He mentioned another family he met at the SDA and low and behold that family walks in! They recognize Kaden and start chatting it up - don't you just love Americans!!?? :) They had their facilitator with them who inquired which one we were using and of course they know each other.

D and the Rowell's at dinner

After lunch we walked back towards the apartment and find the department store. Kaden and his family had already been inside this one, so he shows me around. We browse all the floors and quickly find the kids clothes on the 2nd floor. We found shoes for D right away, but slippers take a bit longer to find what he likes and in his size. Then we just walk around for a bit, not sure what else we'll find. 5th floor we find some paper, pens, envelopes, etc. which is great because this is what I want to send with one of Snezhanza's friends back to her (I plan to meet some of the hosting kids at the train station before they depart for their regions on Sunday evening).

D picks out a Tom & Jerry backpack, which is much more suited to his size. I also found a souvenir for Ashley. I got to pay and the bill is almost 500 grivna ... for some pens, envelopes, paper, and a backpack!??? HUH?? I check the tags and the backpack is 320 grivna! Are you serious!? This thing I could get for $10 at Walmart .... but D has already picked it out and I really didn't want to have to to back and try to find a cheaper one, so I just get it.

We get back the apartment and Kaden and I skype with Brian for a bit ... first thing he does is tell Brian the cost of the backpack! D shows Brian his new stuff. Kaden's mom calls us and says they're done with the medical visit and going to the apartment and will have the driver come to our apartment and get Kaden. She asks if we can figure out a place to meet for dinner 1/2 way between. I suggest that the driver just brings me and D to them ... much easier than carting 7 of them all over the place!

Arrangements made and we go to their apartment, which they actually have two given so many of them! :) We hang out for a bit and Karen unpacks the clothes they brought for the kids. We suit up and head down the street towards another mall, which simply says Ukraine in Cyrrilic on it. We find the movie theater and then have dinner at the buffet on the 4th floor. We found the movie times, so provided they are the same tomorrow, I'll get a cab and head that way in the afternoon.

They go to the market and D and I bought some DVD's ... I got 6 for less than $20! :) Strange how some things are so much more and some are so much less here! Steve helps me get a cab, to the tune of 50 grivna for a less than 10 min ride, and D and I get back safely to the apartment. We skype with Brian for a few minutes and D wants to watch Beethoven. He is now sleeping, but he talks in his sleep, so he keeps waking himself up!

The laundry just finished, so I'm going to get to bed myself! Oh, and I tried to call S last night and again tonight so she could talk to D, but the phone wasn't in service either time.

So far this trip ... one of the best days we've had ... the only reason the day I picked up D wasn't the best day was because of all the drama surrounding the rest of the day!


1 comment:

  1. Yay! Now you can relax this weekend! I don't know if everyone sees the same guy, but yes, it was so great to see an American behind that window! Your 171h (or whatever it is now) is good for 18 months. The guy that helped us when we turned in the paperwork, told us it was still good for however long it was at the time.

    Keep that packet with you in your carry-on. They will ask to see it at passport control at Borispol and you will need to give it to the passport people at whatever US airport you land at first. Go to the US citizen line no matter what they tell you. They told us to go to the non-US line in NY. The US line went faster too.

