Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Staying in Ukraine - Day 4: A New Sweater for Dennis

Ok, so the mom in me just can't stand to see Dennis in the same dirty clothes day after day. I know that is the way they do things here, but going on 5+ days is a little much. Three days ago I noticed a bit of blood on the sleeve, which I assume is from the scabs on his nose from rubbing it on his sleeve. They still haven't washed it and continue to put him back in it again and again.

So, I broke down and bought him a new sweater. It was less than $20 so not cheap by American standards, but not really expensive either. It was purchased at a high end toy shop that had a small section of clothes and shoes. It seemed decent enough quality and they only had one in his size, so I got it. I am really going to try to get it back when it's time to take him home ... of course they may just put him in it every day until then anyway!

He was super proud of the sweater and the school secretary commented to S that his mama had brought him a nice sweater! The picture above is the large tree in the main room where the play was held yesterday. There are more photos of the tree in it's full size along with other holiday decor from this room posted in my facebook album http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=102825&id=1276629484. He would point to something and then run over to it and pose for me to take his photo! We really wanted his picture taken in his new sweater!

These are the treats I brought for today. They are marshmallow with strawberry jam on the inside with a white chocolate layer on the outside! I wish I had caught the first expression Dennis made - it was the most excited I have seen him in quite a while!

Each day I try to bring something a bit different than the day before so they don't get bored. I usually bring a banana or dried apricots for healthy snack and they both LOVE peanuts, so I always bring a snack size for each of them. I recently discovered that Dennis like sour cream and chive potato chips, so I've brought him a couple snack size bags, but I know junk food isn't all that good for him especially since he is quite clearly nutritionally deprived.

As you can see, they both enjoyed the cookies very much! I made them each eat 3 dried apricots first, well I was only going to make Dennis since I know S doesn't like them, but she followed suit so I wasn't going to complain about healthy eating! After this they ate all the cheese crackers I also brought (see facebook photos) and then that was the last we saw of S for today.

She said she was going to take the rest of the cookies to her teacher. I asked if she was coming back and pointed to our room. She said yes and also pointed to the room we were in. I said, come back in 30 minutes, ok? She nodded and skipped off ... never to be seen again (ok, so I added that for dramatic effect, I'm pretty sure she'll come see me tomorrow to see what goodies I carry).

I had intended to give her the phone card I had purchased for her, as I had said I would yesterday. She didn't ask for it and she didn't come back, so I didn't get the chance to give it to her. I wonder if she'll ask for it tomorrow??

This is one the new toys I also brought. It is called ZOOB and is sorta like an erector set. The sturdy plastic pieces snap together in a variety of ways. Three instruction books were included and show several types of objects that can be made out of these toys ... robots, dinosaurs, spiders, vehicles, etc. Dennis needs to practice more with these as he would pop one piece on and another would fall off. He was content to just hand me the pieces, based on the image he had chosen to follow, and watch me pop the pieces together. Tomorrow I'm going to make him do more of it himself.

Then ... something fun happened as I was snapping photos of us. He started kissing me! :) Look at my facebook album and you can see the rest of the "kissy kissy" pictures! This one is now my new facebook profile image!

P.S. For anyone who was concerned about my post yesterday regarding bio-mom being in the picture again, that is only related to S and as far as we know is only phone calls. She cannot do anything to stop our adoption of Dennis as her rights were terminated several years ago.


1 comment:

  1. He looks very nice in his sweater! Sweet pictures of him giving you kisses:)

    I might have told S that I forgot for a couple of days. Make her think about it a little bit;) lol

