Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Home Front week 2

It is nice to be back at home but we are all missing Melissa and excited to see Dennis.  Sam and Amanda did well behaviorally at school which is good, they tend to have problems periodically.  It's been a bit of a battle at home... they are testing me to see what they can get away with... they haven't ended up on the good side of that :)  There will be a bit of turmoil for a while, both good and tough.  Everyone is healthy so it looks like I'll be able to make it to church again!

Right now we are trying to get everything ready.  I was going to take 2 days off this week to get stuff done around the house before they arrived but alas they are going to get here 4 days earlier than expected so so much for that.  I suspect the Christmas tree decorations will still be up.

So I bought this no bark thing that is supposed to work really well.  It uses ultrasonic noise which I'm hoping works.  The "zap" collars are useless on our big lug Gus.  I swear you could tazer the dog and he wouldn't care. You tune the thing with it working on human audible noise. Gus does decide it is irritating so he knocks it over and stands there barking at it.  Well, it's tuned... hopefully the ultrasonic fairs better.  Troy our little weasel dog hates it and runs into my office but the zap collars work fine on him so that wasn't a problem in the first place.

Yesterday I answered the Android vs iPhone question.  I chose Android.  My LG enV3 has the problem where it randomly turns itself off... with much of my cell phone's purpose being for people to get ahold of me this kind of made it pointless.  On Tuesday it did it 4 times, even when sitting on my desk untouched.  So thanks to a 2 for 1 deal on DROID2 Global phones, Melissa has her Christmas present for this year and so do I.

Sunday is Dennis and Amanda's birthday.  We will do a party after everyone gets back... still haven't figured that one out.  I understand people don't tend to celebrate birthdays in Ukraine so if this isn't his first birthday party, it will his first in a while.  Melissa will do something special for Dennis on Sunday and we are having a little cake/ice cream at home for Amanda.

Melissa and Dennis get home on Monday... some folks are coming to meet them at the airport.  Then on Thursday some new friends who adopted 4 will be flying in and are going to spend the night before heading out the next day.  Really looking forward to that.


  1. We've had a couple of really fun/good days, but we are looking forward to being home, with you guys, and in our own beds! :) Love you all!

  2. You've got to be kidding about being excited about that family coming with four kids. Ha Ha! I know you must be thrilled that Melissa and Dennis will be home so soon. We've really been enjoying our time together in Kiev and have enjoyed getting to know Dennis. He is precious and oh, that smile! I'll hate to see them go. But hopefully we will see you all soon.

    Love, the mom of the 4 kids + Kaden

  3. It'll be great, I love the activity... and ironically we have just enough beds if the two boys use sleeping bags in the boys' room. I think we have 2 sleeping bags too :)

    Dennis' smile is great! I will learn a lot from him about being joyful.

  4. On getting a new phone... one benefit is really in keeping in touch with S. It might not turn out to ever be used, but she can SMS us for about 1 grivna. With our existing phones this means we can only call her when we get back to a computer at home which tends to leave almost no overlap in our schedules. More than that, without we'll have little idea what she sent.

    The new phones have both Google/App access to translate as well as Skype to make very cheap calls. And when we are around wireless connectivity we can use much faster Internet connections to do it.
