Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chicken food

The boys and I worked in the yard these evening.  Planted 2 blackberry bushes that I'm sure aren't going to make it, fertilized the trees and blueberry bushes, and dug wider areas out around the fruit trees.

It was a few weeks ago that Dennis saw a worm, jumped back, and said "snake".  This time we started finding grubs so Sam went inside and got a glass to put them in... food for our chicks.  Dennis thought that this was great and proceeded to gather all the worms he could find.  I would have rather left the worms for the trees but he was just so excited about it I didn't want to stop him.

The chicks didn't quite know what to do with the new menu... I saw them manage to devour one of the smallest worms.  Some of those things were huge.... will be interesting to see what we find tonight when we check on them before bed.

D right now has his head in his hands at the table and is not saying whether or not he wants ice cream.  I haven't decided if it is a good thing or not.  It means he realized immediately he had disobeyed without ending up in a battle or tantrum over it.  On the other hand he introverted.  We'll see how it works out.  We had pizza tonight and I caught him trying to sneak part of it to the dog -- minor infraction at our house.  I told him no, not dog food and he stopped and went back to his plate.  Then 20 seconds later he's trying to sneak a piece to the other dog.  When I caught him he did the whole head in hands thing.

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