Thursday, April 7, 2011

The knife

Tomorrow morning D goes under the knife... ok, minor thing but they do have to put him out.  Hopefully I'll manage to not pass out on this one... I'm mean sheesh, no problem with my wife getting gutted with a C-section, even getting closer for a better view, but I'm on the floor with D getting blood drawn or after getting 3 shots myself... NEEDLES BAD.

He'll get his DSi back and I told him we'll go to McD's afterward -- though I suspect he won't even want ice cream for a while.  He can't eat or drink until afterward and he's gonna be REALLY unhappy about that... I even turned off the water to his bathroom just so he doesn't try to get something.  We'll actually leave a little early, right after the bus goes, and probably end up in worse traffic just so we don't end up in a battle at home over food and water.

We haven't explained anything in detail, pretty much just what we could in common language which isn't much.  Figured it would cause more harm than good... just scare him.  I'm sure he'd start thinking about everything he's been told in Ukraine about Americans cutting kids up for body parts... sheesh.

Speaking of that, when we were chatting with our Russian translator at the office in Baltimore we discussed this. She was aware of the whole body parts thing and just shook her head about it... something along the lines of silly ignorant paranoid people.  She was very nice... I wonder if she just volunteers with the hospital.

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