Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Melissa and I took Dennis to see a CP specialist in Baltimore... takes months to get on his schedule.  We worked hard and were successful, I think, to finally get Dennis out of this bad attitude he keeps falling into the past few days.  The place is really nice and a Russian translator met us for the entire 2.5hr app't.

Initially a nurse did the typically pre-check stuff.  We spent much of the time showing off his knowledge of colors, relative size, shapes, etc.

We spent quite some time with a social worker getting background information and asking how things were going.  He seemed very pleased with everything... which makes sense, stuff really is going very well.

Then we were by ourselves for quite some time.  The Russian translator chatted a bunch with D and at some point he realized he hadn't been doing well behavior wise (probably all the mention of ice cream and broccoli) and ended up with his head buried in his hands.  The translator felt really bad but we explained that is what happens when he realizes he hasn't been behaving and it'll be ok.

When the Doctor showed up, Melissa managed to us that to get Dennis to open up and he was from then on.  He did really well... and confirming he understands English well he got nearly every instruction perfect.  Honestly the only new thing we "learned" was that the Doctor believes he is too functional and improves too much too quickly to actually have CP... probably some much more minor disorder.  On our request he prescribed an MRI and we scheduled a follow-up in 6mo.  I think that'll be the last one in unless something enlightening happens.

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