Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Not more shots

Sam and I took Dennis to the doctor.  He's never had a problem before but when he saw that needle his head went in his hands.  He was a trooper but he was sad.  He got hepA and MMR shoots... the blood tests showed he was missing one of the "M"s.

He recovered quickly and we walked over to IHOP for brunch... that was a BIG hit.  Sam kept saying it was the best breakfast he ever had.  We had plans for the rest of the day and next stop was the carpeting place.  I was surprised at how expensive it is going to be but it has to get done... I'll work something out this week and get it scheduled.

Then Sam suddenly became really sorry he ate... he got really sick really fast.  He also was a big trooper about it but we cut the outings short, got gas, and went home.

From there I conscripted Ashley and Dennis to go to Frederick (opposite direction then the morning) to finish our trips.  Sears for stuff for the lawn "tlaktor", Walmart for misc household things -- got D a pair of shorts and sandals too --, Popeye's for CHICKEN, Michael's to pick up our family portrait, and PetSmart to grab some stuff for the aquarium -- everyone but D has something in the tank that is "their's" so he got frogs, loaches, and some plants.

The big thing for me was the family portrait.  It has been a goal of mine since he got home to replace our family portrait with a new one.  It hangs over the fireplace... I don't know if he sees it but I do.... a big glaring reminder that he's somehow different.  Well, no more... he saw the old picture resting up against the wall of my office and we went looking for what is there now.  When he saw the new picture he had a really BIG smile... and then asked about Snezhana in it... ouch.  I told him he needs to tell Snezhana he wants her in this family.

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