Monday, December 27, 2010

3days left

Well, not surprisingly Y&V said no.  Actually Yuroslav said he didn't want to go cause Snezhana wasn't going... he also said he didn't want Violetta to go.  Honestly this was kind of expected from the beginning and since we don't really have an attachment to Y&V, like we do with S&D, this wasn't all that hard to take.  We had heard earlier in the day that Y simply didn't want to be adopted at all and V is the same way.  Maybe we are just numb at this point.

Our kids were pretty upset about it.  Amanda especially... she was really looking forward to sharing her room with Violetta and having another little girl to play with all the time.  Ashley went off camera for a minute... not sure if that was to cry a little or not but she was good shortly afterward.

Tomorrow kids from both orphanages are going to the circus in Lugans'k.  We are headed there tomorrow too but didn't get an invite from either orphanage so we just hope to see S&D when they get back.  We spend the next two days with them and then fly back home.  Court didn't get filed for Dennis and the SDA closes Friday for an unknown amount of time so we have no court date so we don't know when we come back, how much notice we'll have when it does, or if the vote (now Jan 11th) causes us any issues -- well, court is kind of filed but I won't get my hopes up.  We told our facilitator that we'll change/make whatever schedule we need if it means getting a court date this year.  In an odd way all this delay gives Snezhana more time to think if she is even still doing so.

Tonight we have to decide if we want gma contacted and write a letter for our facilitator to read.  We were told that doing so is about 50/50 likely to help or make it worse... like gov't agencies getting called to investigate ludicrous allegations bad.  With Y&V saying no our focus is on Dennis and the relationship we will continue with Snezhana... so we have to weigh how we get affected that way.  With a LOT not going as expected up to this point... and not in a good way... I'm really not sure which to do.  We may take some more time to think about it and write something.

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