Friday, December 17, 2010

Back in Kyiv

We couldn't get a cabin for 2 days so we booked a flight for this morning so we could get the paperwork submitted today.  I needed a break from Lugans'k for a bit too.  I'm disappointed we couldn't spend today with Dennis and watch the kids do their holiday production (St. Nicholas I think).

We told Dennis goodbye yesterday though and as Melissa posted, he was devastated... I think heading back and forth is going to confuse him since each time we leave we can't promise when we'll be back.  The SDA paperwork is turned in and hopefully we'll get an app't and our referral on Monday.  At this point nearly any plan we've had more than 24hrs ahead has gotten changed so we are winging it.

For now we'll try to recover some here over the weekend and hopefully hit the ground running next week meeting the other two kids for the first time.


  1. I am just catching up again and am so sorry. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!
    Blessings, Kristy

  2. Thanks, Kristy. We can really use the prayer and support right now as we just have to move on and hope for the best for her.

  3. Joanne and I are so sorry to hear the course of events with Snezhana. We are keeping you in our prayers for the meeting with the other two to go well. Stay stong!
