Friday, December 24, 2010

Photos from the 2nd Day with V & Y

Brian again posted the details, so I'll post the photos. And, since I got completely shafted yesterday, I think I earned the right to post my only 2 photos with the kids at the top of the blog post for tonight!

Y is next to me playing ball with Brian and
V is letting me braid her hair (while teasing Brian)

Most little girls with long hair like braids!

Y and Brian tossing around a ball

V has no concept of "personal space" and spent quite a
bit of time mimicking Brian's words and facial expressions
while her face was like 2 inches from his!

Brian and V looking at our summer hosting photos -
She knew Sneahzna right away and we taught her our kids' names,
so she would point to each photo and name each person or insist
that we tell her the names if she forgot.

This was from earlier in the day -
the school put on a New Year's production and we attended.
V and her class had on costumes and got to dance around
the tree with Grandfather Frost and the other actors from the play.

Y is the boy with the black sweater with white collar and the
teacher has her hand on his shoulder. He was completely ignoring us,
but his friends were pointing at us from across the room!

Y (red and black) and another boy playing futol (soccer)

Y and Brian high-fiving after someone one their team scored a goal

Y and Brian with the coloring book

The rest of the photos will be posted on facebook.

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!



  1. The personal space thing was fun though it got a little messy with the horse noises. You notice that was the sound she decided to repeat when she said she'd rather play the parroting game than UNO :)

    Yuroslav is a good kid but *very* reserved, especially with new people. I was happy to see him smile during soccer, answer questions directly (no "I don't know" that we get from many), and then he did chuckle a few times while we played.

  2. Which yes, you earned it love. She loves your craft stuff too.

    You just can't beat a daddy's silliness with a little outgoing girl at this age.
