Saturday, December 25, 2010

3rd day with V&Y

It actually went pretty much as planned.  We met with Violetta from 9-11a and it continued to be fun.  She was pretty excited to see us each time we came today.  She gave us both hugs and kisses on the cheek when we left.

Yuroslav opened up a bit today.  We played with some of the Rowell's kids at 3p in the TV room on Yaroslav's floor.  I think that was good for everyone, especially him.  They didn't let us go outside to play with the basketball we got (nice basketball $6.50).  Yuroslav was pretty happy with the Batman mask and wrist shooter... Violetta liked it too (more than her "barbie") and tried it on herself.  I walked Yuroslav back to his living area at 6p again todaay and left Violetta a bit after 7p as we did last night.  As an aside, apparently a couple of the Rowell's kids know Snezhana, probably from camp.

We called Snezhana and let Y&V talk to her again.  They all seemed to enjoy that and there were no issues... plan to keep that up as we can.  The internet connectivity is better here in Severodonetsk so we actually skyped with the kids back in the US and everyone got to say hi.  We showed Y&V the family room (with Christmas tree), the kitchen (and where they will sit), and the stairs to the bedrooms upstairs.  That was as far as the web cam could stretch.  The kids said hi, each others names, waved, and generally had a reasonable first contact.  Yuroslav was interested enough to want a better view.

I used the photo album of the kids rooms to try to show Yuroslav where each person's room was in relation to the ceiling in the family room as viewed from the webcam.  I mentioned where Dennis will be since he is coming and if he'd like to see Dennis every day ("yes").  He asked about whether Snezhana was coming and where she would be.  I told him she's not sure (maybe my opinion only) and doesn't want to leave her gma but if she doesn't come we will keep calling and writing her.  Then showed him pictures of her room and where that was view the webcam.  We knew this all would be easier if Snezhana was certainly coming.

It is Christmas... we went to a Turkish restaurant with the Rowells.  Food was good and so was the company.  Probably the best meal we've had in Ukraine.  The owner makes really good baklava.

Right now we are just exhausted... another "early" day tomorrow.  It sounds funny calling 9a early considering we normally have the kids off to school by 7:15a and it isn't like we go to bed any earlier but this is all very draining.

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