Monday, December 27, 2010


It is interesting here... if you come you only need to be a little adventurous but it isn't bad as long as you like walking.  I have decided though that civilization requires 3 things... toilets with seats, water that at least the locals are willing to drink, and more than one shower/week and change of clothes.  I usually appreciate the US more when I travel.

I was told that people here were generally grumpy and don't smile.  I haven't found that to be true at all.  Maybe everyone is happy cause the weather has been unseasonably nice... or maybe we've just had a rough 3 weeks and everyone else seems relatively happy.  Either way I hadn't seen the problem.

I did get caught whistling indoors playing a childish game with Violetta... no no.  And we weren't allowed to bring ice cream into the class cause apparently eating cold stuff makes you sick in the winter.  Haven't seen anyone having an issue with drinking water after 6p... and even the older kids at the orphanage eat at 8p.  For those hosting and don't already know it... the kids are used to having 5 meals per day from 8a to 8p and there are no set foods per meal.  Half the days we get ahold of Snezhana she's had fish for breakfast... most of what they eat an American would always consider dinner foods (maybe lunch).

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I can add one. Real toilets that are off the ground with seats, not ones in the ground. Even though they are fancy and porcelain, doesn't make them okay in my book:0 Once we were served fish soup for breakfast. Bones and all!

    Karina said that people there believe that you will lose money if you whistle indoors.

