Saturday, December 4, 2010

Countdown to Ukraine - Day 2 & Root Beer

I really just wrote "root beer" in order to get you to read my post! :) However, I am drinking root beer with my lunch, at 2:15pm on Saturday!

Funny memory from hosting - we had a difficult time getting Snezhana to drink root beer. First off it sounds like beer and secondly the dark brown glass bottle that our Dominion pure honey root beer comes in also resembles a real beer bottle. She was not convinced until one of the American kids drank it and said it was yummy! She was still not 100% convinced and drank a tiny sip from a cup (not the bottle) ... made a face of dislike ... then smiled and drank the rest!


We are 95% packed and I am taking a break and eating a late lunch. I have left to pack my vitamins, make up, and the daily toiletry items that one cannot pack ahead of time.

We managed to get it down to:

  • 2 x-large suitcases - these have the gifts we're taking from Tonya, coats, shoes, etc. and the gifts/toys for our kids
  • 1 regular size suitcase - this is most of my clothing + boots for Sneza and coats for both S & D
  • 2 carry on size - almost all of hubby's clothes fit into 1 carry on size and the other carry on is actually the garment bag with our suits (don't want to be without those), and the nooks and crannies are filled with socks, undies, and toys!
  • 2 laptop bags
3 bags will be checked, which means we'll be charged $50 for the 3rd bag, but we can live with that - it would cost a whole lot more to mail any of this stuff! :)

The camera we ordered to have as an extra one for the kiddos has not arrived. If mail comes early enough on Monday, it might make it on the trip. My Black Friday order from JC Penny's has not arrived, so I will have to review the order with my mother-in-law and ask her to wrap the final Christmas gifts for the kids back home.

Well ... now I think we'll decorate the tree and get some pics of the kids having fun doing that to take with us.

I'm not sure when we'll post again, but we'll let you know when we land! :)

Blessings to you all! Everyone have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year (especially those with hosted children this year).


  1. Sounds like you two are just about good to go! I can't wait to hear how the trip is going...I am assuming here that you plan to blog while you are gone.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. Melissa,

    Someone told me that for international travel you actually get 2 bags checked per person, 1 carry on and 1 person item. Don't know if that's correct or not, but maybe save you a little money. Wende

    Have a safe journey, we look forward to updates!

  3. Actually you are 100% correct, and so am I, well sort of. You can check 2 bags, the 2nd one just cost $50! OUCH Glad to find that out now so we can plan for someday. :)
