Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kyiv - Final Day!

We saw this store in the mall. I wonder if it has gotten "lost in translation!"

Another picture of the church just past independence square.

Since Brian is getting ready, I have a few minutes with the internet card, so I thought I'd take advantage of them! :)

Here's a few more pics of the sights that I haven't posted yet.
Today the plan is to pack our things and catch the 4:20 train to Lutugino. We don't really have anything else we need to do today.

Provided our internet access holds up, Brian plans to play starcraft with our son, Sam, back in the states when he gets up at 7am (2pm our time).

I met a woman, when I was in Texas for a work conference earlier this year, who lives in Kiev. We've been emailing back and forth over the last few months and hopefully I will get to see her again today! She works for Life International, a world-wide pro-life organization similar to Care Net that I work for. Her office is near Independence Square, so hopefully we'll be able to locate it (and not get lost on our last day in Kiev!).


  1. Love the pics Melissa, we continue to pray for you. We missed you at our Care Net Christmas Party and were all reflecting on how brave you are!!!

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  4. You'll find there are many, many things that get lost in the translation. lol

    Where in TX did you go for your conference? We live in the Houston area.


  5. June - we have an annual conference for my work and the location changes every year. This year it was Grapevine, TX. Year before was Baltimore, which is 1 hr from where I live. In 2008 it was in Atlanta and in 2011 it will be near Disneyworld in Florida!

  6. Oh well. Guess we'll just have to be content to be FB buddies. We plan on visiting Sonya and Natasha in the Spring when our oldest daughter goes back to Savannah once her husband comes back from deployment. Our two younger girls are from the same orphanage as Natasha and the girl that the Vals are adopting.

    You're probably looking forward to next year;)

