Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What's in store for tomorrow

I am in a much better mood and have kind of gotten use to nothing going as planned so I figured I'd lay out the plans for tomorrow to see how it goes.  Actually, in all fairness, barring cars breaking down or trains failing to arrive this doesn't really seem like high risk right now... I'll laugh at myself later though.

The Rowell's are here down the hall somewhere and hopefully we'll meet up for breakfast.

Our facilitator is heading back to S&D's area to get the paperwork from the train and pay Dennis' court fee.  Then he is coming back to see the inspector at 1p with us and head over to the orphanage to see the kids.

Tomorrow night the documents need to end up back on the train for Dennis' court date to be requested from the SDA.  The only reason we will use that court date is if Y&V really don't want to be adopted and Snezhana hasn't changed her mind.  There is another possibility that we will have to weigh... if the vote actually passes then we may need to go to court for just Dennis so we don't lose him and start the paperwork game ALL over again to come back later for the others.  So in reality I hope we don't need this at all but the risk in not doing it is losing Dennis in certain reasonably possible events so we'll plan the best we can.

As an aside on the vote, if this was in the US I doubt this thing would ever come to a vote.  Not because it is a bad idea (which it is) cause we pass/vote on all kinds of bad ideas... but it is known to be invalid legally.  It doesn't change every place in the law this topic exists, legal doesn't believe it's even being addressed in the right area of law, and the legal department says the law can't be reconciled so just needs to be rejected.  Even if it did pass I'd expect some Federal judge to put a stay on it within minutes and this would work out in court over the next 1-2yrs.

Anyways, back on topic... unless we only adopt Dennis this time around, we won't get a court date until Jan.  I'm pretty comfortable with that right now... honestly I'm hoping that is what happens cause it means other positive things probably occurred too.  It means 1-2 more trips for me though.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and reaching out to us.


  1. We met the Rowells (hi) though not for breakfast. It will be nice having them around. We are hoping Yuroslav and one of their girls are in the same class so we can take them to pizza at the same time.

    Our facilitator got all his stuff done and even found someone to get the documents on the train tonight so he doesn't have to drive all the way back. The fog has been pretty bad making it a long trip.

    We went to the inspector's office but the director was busy. We now have a meeting scheduled at 4p. So we are back at the hotel room figuring out laundry and such.

  2. Your whole story sounds just about as crazy as ours was (maybe more so!) ~ we ended up making 2 trips ourselves, the first one ended after a month and still no court date. We went back a month later and finished up everything. Our girls had/have 2 older brothers, in 2 other different orphanages that we had to separate, and then we had a terrible issue trying to get a court date (no details since this is public...). However, in the end it all worked out~as we knew it would, we just didn't know when and how. The when and how are in His hands! And after thinking about it for a minute I just realized that it was exactly 2 years ago tonight, December 23, that we rolled back in to the states, finishing the first trip.
    I am so thankful you guys know the Lord and have that strength and confidence to rely on during all this. I believe the Lord loves the "impossible" as it makes Him shine all the more!

    Continuing to pray for you daily!
